Easy Homemade Macadamia Honey Butter made in just 5 minutes. Just macadamias, honey and a food processor, so easy, creamy, and delicious!
Easy Homemade Macadamia Honey Butter
My plan for school holidays, now that I’m a work from home Mum, and my kids are at big kid school, was to not work. Take the two weeks off, hang at playgrounds and catch up on gardening and housework. It’s day two and the kids are at daycare and I am home working. Although, I should have stuck with my normal Tuesday routine where I work at a shared office space in town, (perfectly named Work Life Balance), instead I worked from home and got distracted with emptying the dishwasher, doing multiple loads of washing, baking a slice, walking the dog, changing the linen on all the beds. I think I barely sat at my computer for 2 out of the 8 hours I had planned. No one really tells you how distracting working from home is, one minute all the housework takes over and you barely get onto your computer, next minute you find yourself on the computer while the kids are eating dinner, or getting dressed or in the middle of the night. I didn’t realise it before, but I like leaving the house to go to work…. who would have thought!
My kid’s aren’t fans of peanut butter so I have started experimenting with homemade nut butter flavours. This one is definitely a winner. It’s going to be perfect for the white chocolate and macadamia slice I am recipe testing at the moment. Stay tuned!

Macadamia Honey Butter
- 2 cups chopped macadamias
- 1–2 tablespoons honey
Place nuts into mixing bowl and blend 30 sec / speed 9.
Add the honey and blend 30 sec / speed 9. Scrape down sides of bowl and blend a further 30 sec / speed 9, or until it is smooth and creamy
Place nuts into a food processor and blend for 4-5 minutes. It will go from a crumb, to quite firm before it then becomes smooth and creamy, you may need to blend longer than 5 minutes depending on the power of your processor.
Once smooth, add the honey and give a final blitz to combine.
This can be stored in the fridge or the pantry, but it will last longer if kept in a sealed jar in the fridge.

Kenwood hand Blender
Photography backdrop from Oz Backdrops
Canon EOS 6D
Sigma AF 50mm F1.4 lens
Adobe Photoshop
Bluehost web hosting
WordPress Foodie Pro theme
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