Have fresh, homemade butter ready in minutes. Add your choice of flavours and have mini serves of your favourite butter always on hand…… salted, garlic, herb or even honey!
How to Make Butter in a Jar
You can make butter in any size jar you like, just fill it no more than half way and the bigger the jar the more you have to shake. You can add a marble to the jar to speed up the process, just make sure you are using good quality glass. You could use really small jars so the kids could make it themselves and then make a few flavoured butters at the one time. I used an old jam jar and had it done in 7 minutes.
Step One
Half fill the jar with cream and shake like crazy!
Step Two
Once the butter and buttermilk separate, strain out the buttermilk and add some icy cold water, shake again to rinse and discard water.
Step 3
Add salt if you like to help preserve the butter. You could also add other flavours such as crushed garlic, finely chopped herbs or even a little honey to make honey butter.
Here are some great recipes to make with the butter or the buttermilk, there is no waste here!
Garlic Butter
Perfect for homemade garlic bread, especially to fight off those Winter colds! Try my
Cheesy Pull Apart Garlic Bread
Herb Butter
All you need is a quality, well cooked steak and top with a little herb butter and maybe a side of
Honey Butter
Perfect on pancakes, try using my
Then you can use the leftover buttermilk to make these delicious buttermilk recipes:

How to Make Butter in a Jar
Fresh, homemade butter in just a few minutes using whatever jar you have lying around whipping cream. It really is that simple!
Whipping Cream
Jar with a lid
Ice cold water
Pinch of salt
Half fill your jar with whipping cream and put on lid tightly.
Shake for around 7 minutes until it separates into butter and buttermilk.
Strain the buttermilk. Pour in some icy cold water, shake again to rinse then discard the water.
Mix the salt into the butter.
The bigger the jar the longer it will take. I used a 370g jam jar and it took 7 minutes.
Keep the buttermilk to use in other recipes.
Salt helps preserve the butter so will last longer, but omit if you need unsalted butter.